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Eithne Payne

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Eithne Payne Empty Eithne Payne

Post by HanzWorld Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:03 am

Eithne Payne Eithne11
Vital Statistics
Full name: Eithne Payne
Meaning of the name(optional): None
Nickname(s): Tael - given by Toren
Race: Vampire
Appearant age: 18
Real age: 20
sex: female
Cult/family(optional): None
Occupation: Unemployed
Ethnic Heritage: Irish
Accent: Irish

Height and body type: 5'4 slim and curvy
Hair: Red and curly
Eyes: Large, slightly slanted, used to be a light green with a black ring around the iris, now they're a dark red with a black ring.
Skin: Pale
Scars/tattoos: none
Clothing: Blood red corset, black and red jacket, black trousers, tight fitting upper clothes.
Equipment (weapons, other items):

Personality & such
Mental state: Sane
Talents: Good at trickery
Disabilities: None
Personality traits: Confident, finds it easy to get people to do as she asks due to her looks. Looses her temper if she or her brother is threatened.
Selfimage: Confident with her body, doesn't think she looses her temper even though she does.
Weakness: Silver
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship status: Toren Semira
Relationship history: Had a few boyfriends but nothing serious, shyed away from a relationship that got two serious.

Mother: Barbara Payne
Mother’s role in upbringing:  
Father: Sean Payne
Father’s role in upbringing:
Siblings (in birthorder):Two older brothers Brean Payne three years older and her twin Daithi Payne.
Role in upbringing: She and Daithi are together a lot of the time as they are twins but they haven't seen Brean for a long time.
Family finances: Not of their concern
Education: Basic education
Languages spoken: English
Background story: Eithne had a happy life living with her family until one day she got turned into a vampire, her parents being afraid of her and unknowing of how to handle her she along with her brother ran from their family home. Together they now search for a peaceful place to live, though this seemed not as easy as they once thought as she found it hard to hide what she was and her easiness to loose her temper. Her temper has calmed down since she has live din the same area, her brother Daithi has also recently left the town.

Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-10-21

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