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Amelia - Poison Ivy.

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Amelia - Poison Ivy. Empty Amelia - Poison Ivy.

Post by Amy. Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:09 pm


"The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth."

Amelia - Poison Ivy. Fantasyfairy21356545093__1_

"Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. "

Personal Information:

Full name:Amelia
Allias:Forest Fae
Physical age:17.
Body type:Slim.
Fae abilities:Glamour and illusion.
Bone and Flesh Manipulation.


Amelia was born into a fairy family. Brought up to learn the cheeky and mischievous ways of the Fae, Amelia thrives in the lifestyle of the Fae, and wouldn't have it any other way. Her mother went missing during the destruction of her home Island, Fallon. Since that time, Amelia has been lurking within the shadows of the forest of eternal slumber and the contradicting gardens.

Although she is mischievous and spends much of her time annoying those around her, or stealing human children, she is quite intellectual. She fully understands the connection between people, and has a talent for trypsin to change these.

Amelia is quite a free spirit, taking her freedom in her pride. She likes nothing better but to roam around bare footed around various places, causing trouble.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-12-03

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