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Skyline Stryker

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Skyline Stryker Empty Skyline Stryker

Post by -WolfBlood- Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:27 pm

Skyline Stryker Skylin12
Vital Statistics
Full name:Skyline Stryker
Meaning of the name(optional):No Meaning
Nickname(s): Sky
Race: Vampire
Appearant age: 24
Real age: 97
sex: Male
Occupation: Hunter (for hire)
Ethnic Heritage (french, english, australian?): English/ American
Accent: Slight American

(enter race discription here if not on the list)

Height and body type: 6ft 4 and a lean but muscular body type
Hair: maroon coloured hair
Eyes: Black whites of the eyes with red eye colouring and black pupils
Skin: Pale
Scars/tattoos: many scars on the right arm and a couple on chest and back, one under the right eye
Clothing: a black leather like jacket with black jeans and a red undershirt
Equipment (weapons, other items): a buster sword with a 6ft 2 blade at 2ft wide, heavy but due to skylines strength able to be used one handedly on certain motions
Other: 3 knifes within the jacket, thrown only

Personality & such
Mental state: Phycotic
Talents: Extremely strong and quick
Disabilities: none to be listed
Personality traits: Will kill if slightly irritated or mocked by someone he considers weaker then himself
Selfimage: god like , only respects very view many of whom have died
Weakness (must have atleast 1): light energy (photokinesis) , he take extreme damage to this ability
Fears: none to be listed
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship history: too many to be listed
Relationship status: Single

Name Mother: Minerva
Mother’s role in upbringing: rather neglecting although there sometimes
Name Father: Rogue
Father’s role in upbringing: more caring and taught many of skylines ability's
Siblings (in birthorder): One brother who is younger then skyline, lost with skyline having only one memory of him
Role in upbringing: none
Family finances: Farther was alpha of a lycan pack and mother leader of a vampire clan
Education: Little to None
Languages spoken: English , Ancient Lost Language (only used on certain magic attacks)
Background story:Skyline was born into a family of very powerful decendant, born a hybrid of a lycan and a Vampire he lived his life in this species until the age of 17 , when working as an assassin for the vampire council he used extremely powerful magic on himself with the help of others to extinguish his lycan side, although he does still have some lycan traits (eg: growling, and bites to attack on occasion) , at a young age he was taught to weild a  blade and use his umbrakinesis in fights, he learnt to use his umbrakinetics for stealth by hiding as a shadow or moving rapidly along the ground as one, he also learn to use them extremely effectively and the same with a blade, all before the age of 8. as a child skyline learnt to deal with loss effectivley being raised between a clan and a pack many close friends died fighting and due to this skyline has no remorse when a loss occurs, also due to years and years of intense training and physical pain skyline has an extremely high pain threshhold and can withstand a lot, with high endurance making skyline an extremely hard person to kill. at the age of 14 skyline ran away from home fed up with his family, he rain into a pack named horus blacka and he worked there as a body guard, here is where he met his first girlfriend Ariel, he stayed in this place until the real age of 26 (only looking 18) where him and ariel moved onto the vampire council and became assassins for them. here they met skylines friend Lisa. they worked hard here and become level 30 assassins the highest level. until they were accused of treason and sentanced to death, skyline however escaped but could not save ariel this leaving her to die. this sent skyline into a rather phycotic state and left him hungry for blood and murder, he killed and raped people for years on end until he once more found lisa and accidently fell in love with her. he stayed like this for a couple of months until dating her, only to find out she cheated on him, skyline went mental at this and left her only spearing her life due to his care for her still, skyline left her for years until returning and becoming her friend once more, he has had many conflicts. due to the normality of him winning fights and his extensive power and strength always increasing, he has become led to believe he is god like and almost immortal. skyline recently has had more conflict with lisa and lost her as a friend leaving him quite literally alone with no friends anymore. this mainly being because his many killing sprees and thirst for blood. now he is a phycotic killer and will kill for the simplest of reasons, he is very dangerous and is not to be messed with or taunted.

Posts : 9
Join date : 2014-12-09

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