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~Croai Kabett~

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~Croai Kabett~ Empty ~Croai Kabett~

Post by Cixe Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:37 pm

~Croai Kabett~ 1372129889629

Full name: Croai Kabett
Nickname: 'Crow'
Race: Human
Appearant age: 38
Real age: 42
Sex: Male
Occupation: Elemental Wizard (Water)
Ethnic Heritage: Turkish
Accent: Turkish

~Croai Kabett~ 0017

Body Type: Mesomorph - Semi-Athletic
Height and body type: 6'0"
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Deep Blue
Skin: Pale Complexion
Scars/tattoos: Scar down left forearm
Clothing: Baggy Attire, Blue and Black Robes - Necklace made of Rigid, Sharp Teeth on Twine
Equipment: Metallic Staff - Spinel Gems Located on each end. Backpack* contains various Equipment
Other:*Latern - Matches - Hatchet - Wineskin - Journal - Ink&Quill

~Croai Kabett~ 0017

Mental state: Sane
Talents: Elemental Magicks (Water) - Literature - Writing - Diplomacy
Disabilities: Unable to speak any other language besides Common
Personality traits: Kind Hearted - Soft Spoken
Selfimage: Teacher
Weakness: Wind Magicks - Agile Combat Types
Fears: Cats
Sexuality: Asexual

~Croai Kabett~ 0017

Name Mother: Keyara Cuamora
Keyara Cuamora had been Croai's motherly figure since the day he was born. She had taught him compassion when she could, as well as self-control and respect. She had never technically been family - Due to her standings with Croai's father.

Name Father: Vakoor Kabett
Vakoor had been Croai's father - Skill in the art of fishing! Vakoor had watched of his son, teaching him life skills he would need one day. Vakoor had met a Fisherman, whom had said could make his son a powerful man. Vakoor and his son left Keyara, and went with said man. They had sailed across the seas - Training, and learning. Eventually, Croai left the two of them - Armed with the knowledge he needed to continue on his own path.

~Croai Kabett~ 0017

Education: Elemental Magicks (Water)
Languages spoken: Common

~Croai Kabett~ 0017


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-12-07

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