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Azon Marzel

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Azon Marzel Empty Azon Marzel

Post by dannnn77 Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:28 pm

Full name: Azon Marzel
Nicknames: Currently none
Race: Demon
Appearant age: 26
Real age: 26
sex: Yes please, lots
Occupation: Currently an associate of Kenna Nataliya Elwood https://alrynerp.rpg-board.net/t46-kenna-nataliya-elwood
Ethnic Heritage A demonic tribe in the underworld known as the "Ra'thu"
Accent: English

Height: 8'2
Hair: Black and thick
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Tanned
Scars/tattoos: Tattoo on his arm/shoulder of a circle with three pronged tridents in it (Unknown symbol/origin)
Clothing: Red tinted goggles, brown scarf, black jacket, white shirt, black trousers and black shoes
Equipment (weapons, other items): Machete, sheath, Multi-tool
Powers: Umbrakinesis Biokinesis

Personality & such
Mental state: Reasonably sound, has been damaged in the past but is currently recovering
Talents: He can ride a bike with no handlebars
Disabilities: He can't keep rhythm with no metronome
Personality traits: Friendly but sometimes violent if provoked

Self image:
Weakness: Being stabbed/shot/blown up or anything else you'd expect to damage. Some fire immunities due to demon heritage
Fears: Death, Davy Jones
Sexuality: Have fun finding out
Relationship history: None
Relationship status: None

Name Mother: Cathala Marzel
Mother’s role in upbringing: As the ex-captain of the guard of his tribe his mother raised him to be a warrior so that he may take her place after her death. The two were very close and her death at the battle for the Razian Gru was very damaging to him

Name Father: Azul Marzel

Father’s role in upbringing: Beyond dumping him with his name his father did very little but disgrace the family name and drink up the tribes rations of alcohol in a single night. He was killed by Azon during an argument only a few days after the death of Cathala Marzel

Siblings: Jamez (Deceased, story unknown)

Family finances: Currently quite high due to the profession of Cathala Marzel and his new work in the human world as well as jobs done in the demon underworld.

Education: Very little, was mostly raised to be a warrior but read whenever he could and taught himself quite a lot of what he currently knows based on human books that would be passed around the tribe

Languages spoken: His own tribes tongue (Ra'thu) Demonic language and English

Background story: Being raised as a warrior by his mother, Azul spent most of his days fighting and training to be the strongest that he could possibly be. Because of this he is currently still quite competitive. After the loss of his parents he became a "Soldier of fortune" for the crime gangs that ran rampant in the demonic tribes, during a cleansing attack by a group of angels he was captured for up to 6 months. He returned to his tribe a year later with a strange tattoo on his arm and very little to say to the others. After a brief spell as captain of the guard he eventually resigned his post and went to live amongst the humans. He is currently working alongside Kenna Nataliya Elwood but his role is currently unknown


Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-12-10

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Azon Marzel Empty Re: Azon Marzel

Post by IBYC Wed Dec 10, 2014 7:52 pm

Azon Marzel This_is_100__approved_by_spider_man_by_musicjump-d6mpj46

Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-12-09

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