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Kasai (No Last Name)

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Kasai (No Last Name) Empty Kasai (No Last Name)

Post by -WolfBlood- Wed Dec 10, 2014 9:13 pm

Kasai (No Last Name) Anime-guy-with-red-hair-and-green-eyes-552
Vital Statistics
Full name: Kasai
Meaning of the name(optional): Fire
Nickname(s): Kasai, Flame Head
Race: Neko
Appearant age: 17
Real age: 17
sex: Male
Occupation: None
Ethnic Heritage (french, english, australian?): English
Accent: English

(enter race discription here if not on the list)

Height and body type:
5ft 8 , Lean Body, Athletic
Hair: Red
Eyes: Magma Colored
Skin: Normal Like
Scars/tattoos: Scars on Chest and Back
Clothing: No shirt, dog tags, black jeans
Equipment (weapons, other items): a single knife attatched to his belt,
Other: Pyrokinetics

Personality & such
Mental state:
Talents: Extremely Fast, Parkour
Disabilities: None to be Listed
Personality traits: Kind to people and willing to protect a stranger
Selfimage: a nice, healthy person, not too strong although can hold his own
Weakness (must have atleast 1): Judgement , he can misjudge and completely miss a jump or an attack, a lack of pure power
Fears: None
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship history: 1 girl
Relationship status: Single

Name Mother: Unknown
Mother’s role in upbringing: None Known
Name Father: Unknown
Father’s role in upbringing: None Known
Siblings (in birthorder): Unknown
Role in upbringing: None Known
Family finances: Unknown
Education: Jester
Languages spoken: English
Background story: Nothing is known of Kasai before the age of 8 , At the age of 8 kasai woke within a forest with a cut head and no memory of what had happaned prior. he stumbled along a path until he found a house where he met a demon jes (jester) , she took kasai in and acted as a mother, she educated him , fed him and clothed him until he was 12 when she had to leave for unknown reasons, through her kasai learnt to use his pyrokinetics when they burst out through fear, after she left kasai traveled constantly and learnt to run at extremely high speeds for miles on end , and became extremely talented at parkour. through the years of travelling kasai came across alryne. he lived there from the age of 15 until now , meeting people and protecting strangers who have came into danger.

Posts : 9
Join date : 2014-12-09

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