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Liam Carza

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Liam Carza Empty Liam Carza

Post by dannnn77 Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:38 pm

Liam Carza Dave_strider_cosplay_by_xosierrabearzox-d70341i

Vital Statistics
Full name: Liam Carza
Meaning of the name: Helmet of Will
Nickname(s): Lee (Sometimes)
Race: Human
Appearant age: 19
Real age: 20
sex: Sure.
Occupation: Unemployed
Ethnic Heritage: Spanish
Accent: English

(enter race discription here if not on the list)

Height and body type: 5'11
Hair: White and thin
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Tanned
Scars/tattoos: Tattoo on his left arm of a snake
Clothing: Purple and black jacket, black shirt, jeans, black shoes
Equipment: Sword
Other: None

Personality & such
Mental state: Sane
Talents: Smooth talker, Water manipulator
Disabilities: No combat training
Personality traits: Overconfident but has a reasonable charm to him, usually is pleasant and can try to do the right thing but can also be slightly annoying on bad days or if the situation is mis-read

Weakness: Dying, being injured.
Fears: Being alone
Sexuality: Spoilers
Relationship history: Quite a lot of people
Relationship status: Single


Name Mother: Sarah Carza

Mother’s role in upbringing: Died giving birth

Name Father: Miguel Carza

Father’s role in upbringing: Died when he was 9 years old.

Siblings: None
Family finances: Some money left behind by his parents that he gained when he turned 18

Education: Weak

Languages spoken: Spanish, English

Background story: Liam was born in Spain but moved across from there when he was about 5 years old. He was well known for his slick attitude and abilities to talk his way out of situation and into them. Eventually he was sick of his home town and ventured off into the wilds to become somebody stronger than he currently is. Having grown up in small huts and poor towns he'd have noticed the town of Arlyne from a distance and immediately set off to it in order to find adventure


Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-12-10

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