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Wolf Erebus

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Wolf Erebus Empty Wolf Erebus

Post by -WolfBlood- Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:25 pm

Wolf Erebus 24q7q0w
Vital Statistics
Full name: Lucifer (Wolf) Erebus
Meaning of the name(optional): Bearer Of Light
Nickname(s): Wolf, Wolfy (people call him this to irritate him)
Race:  Hybrid (Angel/Lycan)
Appearant age: 25
Real age: 32
sex: Male
Occupation: None
Ethnic Heritage (french, english, australian?): a Blood Born English
Accent: Weak American

(enter race discription here if not on the list)

Height and body type: 6ft 4 , Lean yet muscular
Hair: Snow White colour, slightly messy and falls over his right eye
Eyes: Neon Blue eyes
Skin: Slightly Tanned
Scars/tattoos: One Tainted Scar running from his forehead to lower cheek and running through his right eye, plus multiple scars on arms and chest
Clothing: Grey Coat with white undershirt and grey jeans
Equipment (weapons, other items): No Weapons, yet two metal bracers on his wrists hidden by his jacket
Other: Extremely Powerful Photokinesis

Personality & such
Mental state: Fluctuates, 80% of the time sane , 20% of the time a psychotic Killer
Talents: Extremely Strong Physically and extremely high endurance and pain threshhold
Disabilities: Anger Issues
Personality traits: Helpful, Protecting, Strong Mentally, Kind
Selfimage: A powerful warrior and Alpha of the Horus Blacka Clan/Pack
Weakness (must have atleast 1): Mentioning his past Wife and taunting her will make his judgement very sloppy and his attacks based on anger alone making them easy to dodge and counter
Fears: Loss of his son Jett and his very close friend (sister like) Nicki
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship history: Ashley Erebus, Exic
Relationship status: Single

Name Mother: Leyla Faye
Mother’s role in upbringing: Reviver of Wolf and Guidance, also providing wolf with the sword he once weilded 9Came into wolfs life at the age of 15)
Name Father: Hunter Black
Father’s role in upbringing: Abandoned Wolf at Birth
Siblings (in birthorder): N/A
Role in upbringing: N/A
Family finances: N/A
Education: Wolves who Raised him Plus his good friend Rab
Languages spoken: Wolf Language (Growling) , English
Background story: At birth Wolfs mother disappeared and his farther who was not willing to raise wolf left him in the middle of a field, due to wolf being left in a lycan state with no knowledge of how to change himself back to a human form, wolves took him in for 12 years, raised him as if he was their own child, this is where the name "Wolf" came from. at the age of 12 wolf while his adopted parents were hunting randomly changed back into his Human form, realizing his was not a wolf like his adopted parents thought he ran away masking his scent with wolf techniques. he walked for 100's of miles hunting for food and water alone the way, after 4 years of living like this and picking up basic english he arrived at the Horus Blacka Clans Base, he walked in and to his surprise was taken in with loving arms by Ashley, who at the time was the Alpha (Rab's) little sister. she taught him English and made him a member of Horus Blacka at Rab's Approval, soon after Wolf had became a member of Horus Blacka his mother came to him when he was out in the woods, she talked to him and made him realize his photo kinetic powers, also giving him the ability to summon the "Dark Repulser" Sword, a sword that was made of indestructible metals and was made to "repulse" evil or darkness. Wolf slowly became very skilled with his Photokinetic powers and trained them very well, he became very close with Ashley at the same time ending up dating her and marrying her at the age of 17. Yet during the entire time wolf was getting stronger Horus Blacka was locked in a war with a clan named Immortals, wolf joined in the war as one of horus blacka's strongest fighters, alongside his good friend jacob, they fought the war well. soon after they had started fighting alongside in this war ashley fell pregnant with Jett, Wolfs son, he was born and due to his genetics from wolf and ashley he aged years worth over the space of months, becoming the apparent age of 7 when he was really 6 months old. Wolf continued to fight in the war until one day soon after he turned 18 Immortals captured Ashley and Jett, Wolf went mental hearing this and fought through thousands of Immortals foot soldiers until he got to where they were being held, he thought against the current leader of immortals dan but lost being slammed into a wall, he was forced to watch Ashley getting raped and his son beheaded, soon before Ashley was also killed, Wolf went mental and insane breaking out of his handcuffs and fighting again taking out a lot of Immortals once more but only to be beaten by dan and his 2 head lieutenants Leon and Fayne, he fleed back to horus but soon left after that, he went of into the mountains for 4 years and trained himself, determined to act revenge on Dan, During this time wolf became very very powerful able to destroy entire mountains with simple movements, also becoming a lot physically stronger, yet on his return he found that Horus blacka had gone, he wondered around the local forests until he found nicki, who he had previously been very close with, she had become hostile to him yet he gained her trust again and he also found zoe another friend, he protected nicki and zoe from threats and helped nicki with her issues with being left alone at horus, years passed and to wolfs surprise Jacob returned, only to bear the news that horus has been killed and Nicki, Jacob and wolf were the only people left, Jacob gave Wolf the title of Alpha, before disappearing once more, a couple more years later Jett returned with messed up memories of his past, memorizing that Wolf let him and his mother die and made no effort to helo , jett was resurrected by his Grandmother and had been trained to fight in heaven before being returned to earth, Wolf made jett remember clearly what happened and they became close once more, fighting together and protecting eachother, Recently in a fight with a group of highly skilled warriors who were out to claim the very high priced bounty on wolfs head, wolf sacrificed his self to save jett who had tried to save wolf. Wolf died and was avenged by Jett, wolf was buried near where he lived and a willow tree sprouted from his remaining life energy, Jett used a very powerful revival spell in hope it would bring wolf back, it seemed as if it was working until it backfired as jett ran out of energy, yet unknown to jett or nicki the spell did work, and a couple of days later wolf was revived in the forest, he still has all memories and is just as strong as before, he wanders waiting for the right time to reveal his resurrection.

Posts : 9
Join date : 2014-12-09

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