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Nicki (No Surname)

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Nicki (No Surname) Empty Nicki (No Surname)

Post by nicki17950 Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:18 am

Nicki (No Surname) White-hair-anime-girl-feathers-green-eyes-girls-hd-199866

Full name: Nicki
Meaning of the name(optional):N/A
Race: Lycanthrope (supposedly)
Apparent age: 17-18
Real age: N/A
sex: Female
Occupation: N/A
Ethnic Heritage (french, english, australian?): N/A
Accent: English

Height and body type: Height 5'7ft, Slim figure
Hair: Long white hair
Eyes: Deep blue
Skin: Pale white skin tone
Scars/tattoos: scar around neck, scar around both wrists, deep scar down left arm which is black (hidden by enchantment) , two scars on left shoulder, long scar down her right leg, scar around her ankle.
Clothing: brown enchanted collar around her neck with a metal plate reading "Rosana" (cannot be removed). White tank top, blue and white striped jacket, dark grey jeans, grey leather belt that crosses over body.
Equipment (weapons, other items):Rapier sword, hidden knife

Personality & such
Mental state: Varies
Talents: N/A
Disabilities: Bipolar
Personality traits: Bitch to strangers, Caring to friends
Selfimage: Cautious
Weakness (must have atleast 1): No senses- unable to detect scents.
Fears: Skyline Stryker
Sexuality: A sexual (no sexual attraction)
Relationship history: N/A
Relationship status: Single

Name Mother:N/A
Mother’s role in upbringing:N/A
Name Father: N/A
Father’s role in upbringing:N/A
Siblings (in birthorder): Wolf Erebus ( not blood related)
Role in upbringing: Protector and carer
Family finances:N/A
Education: Basic education.
Languages spoken: English

Background story:

Remembers only from age 3, she lived in a clan ran by a man named Simon with others in the clan such as Leon, Mat, Rhea and Gemma. Rhea mainly took care of her, Simon and Leon taught her basic knowledge for example how to read and write. Leon eventually left to make his own clan called immortals, which Nicki visited a few times before it became too violent there for her to visit. Others from the clan started to leave so before Simon and Rhea left too they placed Nicki into a new clan, the Horus Blaka Clan, which was run by Horus.
She joined that clan at the age of 6, and was mainly taken care of by a man named Rab and another named Jacob. This new clan Nicki was in was an enemy with Immortals, Nicki was still quite good friends with Leon but kept this a secret from the entire clan. She would sometimes meet up with Leon in the forest, and he obviously still cared for her even if she was in the opposite clan, as he saved her a lot in the forests from danger. Nicki went to meet Leon in the ruins outside of the forest one afternoon, but instead of Leon it was one of the immortal members named Kyle, who kidnapped her and took her back to immortals with him. To show Immortals was serious about this war with Horus's Clan they cut deep into her arm which was then filled with a black liquid, which seemed like poison but was not as Leon only intended to scare the clan and not seriously harm Nicki. She was later saved by Rab, others in the clan grew mad about this espically the two members Jacob and Wolf, who then went on a rampage and killed some of immortal's members.
Nicki was 8 now and was eventually banned from leaving the area around the clan, before being banned from leaving the garden, then she was eventually banned from leaving the clan what so ever, this made Nicki mad from time to time, as she rarely slept so would be awake for hours and days on ends.
Nicki was still friends with Leon as he used her mainly to get into Horus's clan. Nicki had thought the base was empty so had left to play outside, letting Leon and the others enter the base. They had then kidnapped Ashley who was Rabs sister, and Wife to Wolf, and they also kidnapped Jett son of Ashley and Wolf, to get revenge back for killing their members.
They were both killed in immortals by Dan while Wolf watched, who then went into "Rage Mode" and attacked everyone before leaving.
Everyone eventually left after this, leaving nicki on her own in the base. She remained there for a few months expecting them to return, before finally giving up and leaving the base.
Nicki was 14 after living in the forest for 2-3 years completely on her own, being hostile to anyone around her, in that time she was briefly in another clan for a few months before breaking one of the main rules which angered the clan leader deeply, before he beat her and kicked her out of the clan. She later met up with Wolf again who had after years become calmer.
They had hated each other at first, and Nicki blamed him for the others leaving.
Wolf then saved Nicki from danger showing he still cared about her and they started to grow as friends again.
After nearly a year of being together nicki came across this male named Ono who kept nekos and other creatures as "pets" as he said but were really slaves. Nicki angered him and he beat her before convincing one of nick's past friends jade to say it was all nicki's fault and she should be punished. He then placed a collar around her neck with a spell cast on it, meaning whoever had power of the collar had power over nicki. Nicki was his slave for a while before Wolf found out and killed the male Ono before replacing the magic in the collar with his own, but never dared to use it on nicki. After a few months a male appeared in the forest who was named jett, and was wolfs son who had been revived after many years. Nicki too hated jett for a while and even teamed up with a male named Skyline to try and kill him behind wolfs back, but after that had failed and skyline tried to kill nicki before jett saved her nicki began to trust jett and eventually became friends with him.
At the moment now nicki is living with wolf and jett, but still is cautious around others and is growing more evil as she can't trust anyone (other then Wolf, but she trusts jett slightly less) from her past history and how she has been treated.

Last edited by nicki17950 on Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:17 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2014-12-14

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Nicki (No Surname) Empty Re: Nicki (No Surname)

Post by -WolfBlood- Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:00 pm

too long too long xD

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Join date : 2014-12-09

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Nicki (No Surname) Empty Re: Nicki (No Surname)

Post by nicki17950 Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:00 pm

le bitch le bitch

Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-12-14

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