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Darius Black

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Darius Black Empty Darius Black

Post by Trif Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:30 pm

Human form
Darius Black Vladimir-blood-lord
True form
Darius Black Dark_knight_by_zeo_x
Vital Statistics
Full name: Darius Black
Nickname(s): Black
Race: Demon (Pending approval)
Appearant age: 25
Real age: 1605
sex: Male
Cult/family(optional): None.
Occupation: Follows orders from Asmodeus. (Prince of Wrath)
Ethnic Heritage (french, english, australian?): English
Accent: English

Demons can take on 2 forms, a human form and their true form.

In their human form they look just like humans, though they have demonic features such as pointy ears and black eyes.
Their demonic form differs a lot, the thing that most of them have in common is that their real form is quite huge(around 10 ft). That said their appearance could differ from animals too giants.

Height and body type: 6ft 3, well-built.
Hair: Long and blonde
Eyes: a dark tint of red.
Skin: a pale white.
Scars/tattoos: A short scar from the beginning of his eyebrow to the bottom of his left eye.
Clothing: Loose black shirt fitted with dark grey jeans.
Equipment (weapons, other items): Long two-handed cleaver blade.

Personality & such
Mental state: Sane, however when he enters battle he enters an enraged sense of adrenaline, and would act like a berzerk.
Talents: Magic, Taunting the opponent into a crazed state.
Disabilities: Suffers slight visual imparment on the left eye,
Personality traits: Very cold and sinister, his main aim throughout a conversation isn't to make friends, it's to find and exploit that person's weaknesses.
Weakness (must have atleast 1): Salt and Water
Fears: Drowning.
Sexuality: Straight.
Relationship history: None.

Mother: ?
Mother’s role in upbringing:
Father: ?
Father’s role in upbringing:
Siblings (in birthorder): None.
Role in upbringing: Once he was first created into the world he had to fend for himself and learn his new found powers, and adapt to the wilderness, he basically brought himself up.
Education: Speaks only English, hasn't been educated through school or teachers, he was taught by bargaining with passersby for their intel.
Languages spoken: English.
Background story: Once created into existence by Asmodeus, Darius was assigned the goal to create as much anger, and whilst there chaos. He was first sighted in a forest by a local villager, who tried to question him why he was naked and alone, however he refused to talk. The Villager, Kambili decided to take him back and dress him, making sure he had a place to stay and warm clothes, however five months later Kambili was found strung by rope, hanging on a nearby tree. Darius' whole background consists of people missing, violent murders and a generally sinister nature. It's only now that Darius has decided to truely fufill Asmodeus' commands, and now ventures into human towns to cause as much anger and confusion as possible.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2014-10-21

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