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Tyrone Black

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Tyrone Black Empty Tyrone Black

Post by -WolfBlood- Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:20 pm

Tyrone Black F01c272ee361479fe10231ebbdb14276_480
Vital Statistics
Full name: Tyrone Black
Meaning of the name(optional): Darkness/Blackness
Nickname(s): Tye
Race: Lycanthrope
Appearant age: 19
Real age: 18
sex: Male
Occupation: Hunter
Ethnic Heritage (french, english, australian?): American/ English
Accent: a weak american accent

Height and body type: 6ft 4 with a lean but muscular body type, one of a light fighter
Hair: Jett Black hair that falls over his right eye
Eyes: Red eyes that glow when his mood becomes negative
Skin: fairly pale skin yet still tanned enough to be considered healthy
Scars/tattoos: Many scars down his arms and chest , a tattoo of a wolf head on his right pectorial
Clothing: a black jacket with a black undershirt, navy jeans and black shoes
Equipment (weapons, other items): padded fingerless gloves, along with metal capped shoes
Other: Dark Energy Control (Ergo-Negokinetics)

Lycan Appearance
Height  3ft 3 inches
Fur: a black coat with a grey pattern down the belly and around the eyes
Eyes: Red eyes that glow in the dark
Scars: 1 scar under the left eye
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Personality & such
Mental state: Fluctuates
Talents: Fist fighting, running
Disabilities: Bipolar
Personality traits: Mean, Harsh and decieving
Selfimage: powerful being , hated by most
Weakness (must have atleast 1): Being reminded of his past life, Angelic Weapons
Fears: N/A
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship history: 1 (deceased)
Relationship status: Single

Name Mother: Alana Black
Mother’s role in upbringing: Carer
Name Father: Hunter Black
Father’s role in upbringing: Protector, Trainer
Siblings (in birthorder): Lucifer (Wolf) Erebus (Missing)
Role in upbringing: N/A
Family finances: a hunting wolf pack (finances not needed)
Education: Basic
Languages spoken: English / Latin / Angelic
Background story: Born after his missing brother Tyrone only gained knowledge of Wolf at a later age, Tyrone became fond of the darkness at an early age much to his farthers likening, his mother who did not really have a say in the matter also had a likening to this both parents being dark creatures, Tyrone was raised well in a very powerful hunting pack, he was taught the finest martial art skills and also sword skills, although he prefers not to use them, he grew up with a good life becoming stronger and stronger and stronger until the age of 16, where he left the pack after an argument with his farther over who should be the alpha male, Tyrone believed his farther was too weak to take on the role of an alpha and that he should be the true alpha, he was banished from the pack and wondered aimlessly through forests and towns, he killed humans for meet rather then deer, which he did also eat. he heard knowledge of his brother Wolf being near by, so he "interrogated" the people who he learned this from for more detail, unable to get anything good apart that his brother was a powerful fighter that used light energy (tyrones hate) he killed the two men, he wandered using his farthers scent memory to find Wolf.

Posts : 9
Join date : 2014-12-09

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